Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Bound to Please (collected early works)
Editeur :
Simon’s collected early works, compiled in one volume. Contains the complete texts of his first three books, The Card Ideas of Simon Aronson (1978), A Stack to Remember (1979) and Shuffle-Bored (1980).
Includes Red See Passover, Simon’s Favorite Card Trick, Mis-mate, Simon’s underground treatise on the memorized deck principles (that started the current wave of memorized miracles), an entire chapter on subtle uses of the advertising card, Under Cover Four Play, Ad-Jacent, and the original presentation of the Aronson stack (with three different poker deals, a perfect bridge hand, spelling combinations, a blackjack deal, and more).
Shuffle-bored presents Simon’s self-working, totally hands-off card miracle : without any questions, outs, gaffs, ambiguities or moves – and without ever touching the cards – the performer announces exactly how many cards are face up, in a spectator freely shuffled deck ! Plus additional effects published in Kabbala and Hierophant.
Nb pages :
Cartomagie |
Chapelet |
Fond Max |
Mnémotechnie |
Poker |
Théorie |
Tours automatiques |