Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Editeur :
Natzler Entreprise
Cardistry contains over 50 new (and 'old' never-before-published) exciting impromptu card tricks. Over 100 photographs enhance the already-clear text. 204 pages of top-quality semi-advanced impromptu card magic. This time, you won't find too many math-based effects. The theme this time is visual effects and blockbuster effects. Cardistry boasts a full-color cover and is beautifully (perfect) bound to the highest order.
Paul Gordon says that Cardistry is truly his best ever book. He has saved a lot of great stuff for, possibly, last! A top card magician, who read the draft, said, "Paul, this is your BEST book. A must-get book for all cardmen!"
CONTENTS: Taser Ace Production, Aces On Tap, Bluff Jay Bee, Paul's Pseudo Cheating Expose, Jack's Ouroboros Plus, The Lunar Deck, Coincidence Expanded, How On Earth Did That Happen?, Jim Nastic Jokers, Shocked Aces Plus!, Shocked Flush, Strong, Powerful, Magical, The Fingerprint Test, The Saga Of The Heart Family, The Spectator Forces A Gem(ini), The Time of My Life, This Is Strong, What The Heck, Easy Flush-timation, Erdnase With Less Milk (redux), Five Alive, Most Amazing, We're In The Money, The Secret Of Cheating At Cards, A Royal Spell Plus, Thirteen Is Lucky...For Some!, A Trick for Jack Parker, Any Cardcase Spell, Thought Stealer Rethought, The Un-Educated Card, A Tricky Quickie, Blockbuster Finale, Poker Schmoker, Most Amazing II, Picnic Time For Poker Players, Nomadic Aces, Stebbinations, Quick Reflexes, Stud # 2, En-Trost-ed, "Arrco", Taking The Rise # 2, Effected Cause, Jacks, Selections & Aces, Punching The Royal Flush, The WAG Trick, Discombobulated, Prediction Supreme, Diminishing? Not Likely! For, Two That's N(o)ice, Interlude Aces, Head To Head Poker # 2
Nb pages :
Billets |
Cartomagie |
Chapelet |
Fond Max |
Poker |
Triche |