Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Editeur :
Livret (en anglais) de 48 pages.
Déchirez votre carte de visite pour en faire un objet impossible : deux anneaux enclavés l'un dans l'autre ! Le plus étonnant, c'est que vous faites bien ce que vous prétendez avoir fait… Pas de préparation, pas de colle, pas d'ouverture, vous terminez réellement avec deux anneaux entiers et intacts enclavés l'un dans l'autre !
Conjunction is a remarkable effect with a very simple description. You take one of your business cards, give it a series of folds and tears, and in the process transform it into an impossible object : two unbroken cardboard rings that end up linked through one another.
So, you may ask, what sets Conjunction apart from the multitude of other effects that have bits of card linking together ? Simple : You do it for real. The rings are given away in their genuinely linked state, from which they can't be unlinked without ripping them. They can be examined indefinitely with no danger of anyone finding any seams, joins or tears, because there aren't any. Furthermore, no glue, tape, or adhesive of any kind is used. Only one card is involved, with no gaffs, gimmicks or extra pieces, and nothing to ring in, ditch or switch. And naturally, if you've set it up correctly, the rings will still have your name and contact information on them, intact, at the end.
Even among those who know a thing or two about linking card effects, common sense dictates that what I've just described — taking nothing but a single, ungimmicked card and genuinely turning it into two solid linked rings — is utterly impossible. In fact I've received a number of incredulous emails insisting that there must be something left out of my description, because under the conditions I've listed, it simply can't be done. All I can say is, the more impossible it seems to you, the more you will love Conjunction.
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