Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Full Bloom Vol.2 Bloomeries
Editeur :
The miracle factory
Comments: Volume 2 of a two volume set. 736 pages total across both volumes. A compilation of works by Gaetan Bloom.
Contents: (from book ToC):
411 Bloomeries (1999)
411 1. Jojo the Fish
413 2. At the Bar
417 3. The Balloon House
421 4. The Story of O(eufi)
427 5. Son of Sefalaljia
433 6. Annemann Forever
439 7. The Shame Deck
443 8. The Enchanted Ribbon
447 9. The Melting Coin
453 10. Himber Ring and Company
455 11. Hanging by a Thread
463 12. Knock and Roll Prediction
467 13. Straw, Coke, and Glass
471 14. My Triangle from Bermuda
477 15. Espresso Prediction
483 16. The Futurospace
489 17. Phoenix
493 18. Vacation Homework
497 19. Quintessences
503 20. Baby Boom
507 21. Broken Wands
513 22. The Blind Psychic
521 23. Spring Vanish
523 24. Blendo-Vision
529 25. The Fold
531 26. Attamove
533 27. Spirit Initials
537 2. New Blooms
537 1. The All-Purpose Tube
541 2. The Bill in Carrot
545 3. The Bloom Phantom Tube
549 4. Ihe Book Test Cart
553 5. Bottle It!
557 6. Costume Conversion
561 7. Ihe Eggs, Cards, and Glasses
567 8. Gaetan’s Card in Wallet
573 9. The Gift Box
577 10. The Grocery Cart
579 11. Houdini’s Shirt
583 12. The Invisibility Box
589 13. The Levitation Machine
591 14. Mobile Mental
595 15. The Pirate
599 16. The Rotating Box
603 17. Salami Slice
605 18. Silk Through Ears
608 19. Silver Bend
609 20. Technicolor Needle Swallowing
613 21. Topsy-Turvy Light Bulb
617 22. The Transforming Chair
621 23. Transparent Chinese Sticks
623 Intermission: Cooking Class with Chef Gaetan
629 3. Blooms For Sale - Marketed Effects
629 1. The Intercessor
643 2. The Escorial Monte
653 3. The Escalator
657 4. Mission Impossible
663 4. Bloom In Print - Published Effects
663 1. Balls in Motion
665 2. Close-Up Encounters of the Third Kind
669 3. Escorial Cubio
673 4. Falling
675 5. Fan-Card
677 6. Fiat Lux
681 7. Knife Through Arm
684 8. Pen Gag
685 9. Point of a Tack
689 10. See-Through Divination
693 11. The Sh-h-h-op Cup
697 12. Smoke
709 5. The Genius Of Winston Freer
709 1. The Genius of Winston Freer Gaetan Bloom
717 2. Winston Freer and his Original Mystery Clinic Todd Karr
729 A Love Affair
Nb pages :
Bague |
Ballon |
Bar / Restaurant |
Boite |
Boitier de carte |
Boule/ Balle / Bille /Perle |
Bricolage |
Carte de visite |
Cartes spéciales |
Cartomagie |
Cigarettes / Cigares |
Corde |
Couteau / Canif |
F.I |
F.P |
Fil / ruban / Fil hindou |
Fond Max |
Foulard |
Fruit (Citron / Pomme / Orange ...) |
Histoire de la magie |
Mentalisme |
Miroir |
Oeufs |
Paille |
Pepper's Ghost |
Poissons |
Portefeuille |
Quick-change |
Ressort |
Salon |
Scène |
Verres |