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If it fits... Sleeve it! The Magic of Rocco Silano

If it fits... Sleeve it! The Magic of Rocco Silano

Editeur :

Yanan Zhu

If it fits... Sleeve it! The Magic of Rocco Silano

Livre (en anglais) par ce maître du sleeving (l’art d’utiliser les manches), qui vous expliquera quelques-une de ses meilleures routines !

Descriptif original :

An up close and personal book by Steven Schneiderman, featuring seven detailed chapters on Rocco’s unique style and talent which won him Siegfried and Roy’s $20,000 Desert Magic Seminar “Complete Conjuror Challenge.” Enjoy the full description to his award-winning act plus new effects utilizing sleeving.

For instance, cleanly change corn kernels to fresh popped corn in your copped hands. More magical fun awaits… Coins (Four Coin Routine, slow Motion Vanish and Reappearance); Cigarettes (Fountain of Cigarettes, Multiple cigarette Production); Fire & Ice (Formal and Informal Presentations, Shaken Not Stirred); Tips (Flash Paper Ring on Cigarette, Weighting Cigarettes, Dye Tube Handling) and so much more!

Nb pages :

Allumettes/boite d'allumette
Cigarettes / Cigares
Feu / Papier flash
Fond Max
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