Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Editeur :
Titanas Magic Prod.
In this booklet Luca Volpe explains his version of Annemann Pseudo-Psychometry, as performed in his TV Show. Four ladies are each given a lipstick, a piece of paper, a pen and an envelope and they are each asked to write their signature on the piece of paper and to put it inside the envelope. Once this is completed each lady applies their lipstick and places a kiss on the envelope, the envelopes are collected and shuffled while the performer has his back turned. The performer is not only able to match each lipstick mark with each lady but is also able to tell them personal information about themselves like their star sign, favourite color and much more... information that he couldn't possibly know! Included in the booklet is an extra finale with a chair test revelation. A new entertaining way to present a psychometry routine that your audience will never forget.
Nb pages :
Chair test |
Enveloppe |
Fond Max |
Mentalisme |
Psychométrie |
Rouge à lèvres |