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losing control
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How long have you been practicing a move like the classic pass? It's been over twenty years, and Lee is still working on his! One day he will master it, but until then, the Losing Control is his preferred way to control a card to the top.
This clever maneuver gives you the ability to have a card selected, plainly and cleanly placed back into the middle of the deck and yet have the card secretly remain on the top of the pack.
The Losing Control technique does not rely on packets transposing under the cover of heavy misdirection or sweeping hand gestures. The method is effective, bold and economical. Therefore, if you're someone who wants to master a slick and efficient card control, without spending a lifetime pursuing it - The Losing Control is for you. Besides detailed description and photos you will have access to five instructional video clips (either by clicking through to Lee's website or by downloading the zip file with the video clips inside from your digital shelf).
Introduction: Many experts, both right-handed and left, consider this simple manipulation to be one of the shrewdest and most direct card controls ever designed.
History: The basic handling of the Losing Control was conceived in Las Vegas, Nevada during the summer of 1996. Later, after researching the idea further, the concept of using a reversed spread to control a card finally surfaced. Now it's your turn to learn its entire lineage.
What's a Reversed Spread: It's important to understand the difference between a regular spread and a reversed spread. This section details those differences so you can start taking advantage of this lesser-known principle to fool those around you.
The Losing Control: The Basic Handling: Learn the basic handling of the Losing Control. This move will allow you to spend more time dealing with your presentation rather than worrying about bringing the selection to the top. Have comfort in knowing thousands of people have been fooled by it.
Alan Ackerman Addition: Las Vegas Card Expert Allan Ackerman offers an idea that further convinces everyone the selection is still in the center of the deck.
Tabled Version: To add another dimension to the Losing Control, you can perform it as you spread the deck on the table. It looks so fair, it will convince even the most skeptical audience member.
Vertical Handling: The basic handling of the Losing Control leaves a powerful picture in the mind of your audience. However, you can make it even stronger with the vertical handling.
Final Notes on the Losing Control: If you aspire to use the Losing Control as one of your main controls, understanding these fine points will guarantee your success. This section deals with subjects like No guts, no glory, Visualize & scrutinize, Control with your eyes, and Ixnay on the Ambitious. These thoughts that will help you become proficient with this powerful sleight.
1st edition 2010; 22 pages photo illustrated plus 5 instructional video clips.
word count: 4521 which is equivalent to 18 standard pages of text
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