Coopérative de recherche
et d'Expérimentation Magique
Tangled Web
Editeur :
Hermetic Press Inc.
The world has been waiting for a book by Eric Mead for a long time and this is it. Mead is a fantastic bar magician who worked on alternating nights at the famous Tower Magic Bar in Snowmass, CO for 14 years (the other magician, of course, was Doc Eason). The Tower closed in April 2004 and Eric is now busy working corporate events.
This is a charming little hard back book. It's small in dimensions, but big in page count. Within the 240 pages you'll find some great bar magic, close-up magic, strolling magic, stage magic, mentalism and even a couple of things for kids. But, I think the things that you'll take away the most will come from the essays. In particular, Mead's essay on Vernon's "Trick That Cannot Be Explained" is a must-read for anyone who has ever experimented with Vernon's trick.
To sum up, it's worth quoting Teller from his introduction to the book: "There is no bullshit, not a nugget, between these covers. If you're like me, you'll emerge changed, inspired, tingling." A magic book that makes you tingle ... how can it not get the Vanishing Inc seal of approval?!
Nb pages :
Bar / Restaurant |
Billets |
Bouteille |
Briquet |
Canne |
Carte de visite |
Cartomagie |
Chapelet |
Cold Reading |
Cravate |
Dés à coudre |
Fond Max |
Foulard |
Lecture de pensées |
Livre |
Magie pour enfants |
Mentalisme |
Mélange |
Papiers |
Pièces |
Salon |
Scène |
Serviette / Serviette en papier |
Techniques |
Théorie |
Équivoque |