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The New Jinx

The New Jinx

Editeur :

Kaufman and Greenberg Company

The New Jinx

Comments: Monthly periodical for stage mentalists and       magicians that ran from May 1962 to April 1968 for 72 issues. Bill       Madsen used the pen-name "Arlecchino" as the editor (information       from Genii's Magicpedia). The entire set was compiled into a       hardcover book in 1987 by Kaufman & Greenberg.

Contents (updated Jan 2018 from book)

Introductory Issue April 1962  
     1 Editorial: The First Copy of the New Jinx (Madsen Bill)
     1 Foreign Exchange (Lynn Martin): English Penn to half dollar in       handkerchief
     2 Prediction de Luxe (Madsen Bill): headline prediction
     3 Comedy Corner
     3 - Ro-pin: cut and restored rope with a twist
     3 - Balancia: catching a ping pong ball on your nose
     4 Jinxisms - The Camel & the Needle's Eye (Clayton Rawon):       Camel cigarette through the eye of a needle
     4 Dept. of Missing Magicians: plea for material

1 Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1962
     1 Magic: Introducing
     1 The Korengos: (Jozsef Elsinger): a short bio
     2 Moon Flight (Joe Korengo): idea for a mechanical floating ball
     2 Everyman's Vanishing Cane (Joe Korengo): poor man's vanishing       cane
     3 Editorium (Bill Madsen): editorial on magic exposure
     4 Comedy Corner:
     4 - Comedy Candle to Flower: with a bang
     4 - The Creepy Hank: pocket handkerchief keeps vanishing
     4 Jinxisms - Ten & One (Jack Vosburgh): a dime and penny on an       Ace and 10 spot

5 Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1962
     5 Card in the Soup (Martin Lynn): card corner in soup can
     6 Editorium (Bill Madsen): don't take flash pictures!
     6 Comedy Corner:
     6 - Thimbleitis: thimble sticks to nose
     6 - A Crooked Deck: visual gag
     6 - Un-named: snake basket gag
     7 - The Twist Color Change (Martin Lynn): a visible card color       change
     8 One Little Word (Albert Sidney): a simple book test

9 Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1962
     9 Come Fill the Cup (Martin Lynn): silk and dove appearance from a       cocktail shaker
     10 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of The New Jinx and a mention       of the New Phoenix
     10 Comedy Corner: stage bit with the Coin in the Funnel
     11 Jinxism - The Devil's Die Secret (Paul Rosini): magician knows       which side of a die under a cup is face up
     12 Sacrifice (Martin Lynn): bizarre effect of cutting the thumb       but no harm done

Vol. 1, No. 4, August 1962
     13 Introducing Senor Torino - The Continental Deceptionist: about       Tony Kardyro
     14 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on magic phoneys
     15 Jinxism - Parallel Thoughts (Ted Annemann): assistant on       returning to room determines card chosen
     16 The Invisible Trip (Tony Kardyro): paper matches assemble to       one corner of a handkerchief

Vol. 1, No. 5, September 1962  
     17 Rabbit Monte (Martin Lynn): audience can't find which bag has       the rabbit
     18 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letters, reader participation,       convention review
     19 Familiar Spirit (Kent Arthur): Mathematical mentalism
     20 Dear Arlecchino: letter to editor
     20 Cardivino (North Bigbee): two person card revelation

Vol. 1, No. 6, October 1962
     21 Food for Thought (Irv Weiner): A card revelation using special       playing card BonBons
     22 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on criticism of magic shows
     22 The So Simple Force (Lynn Searles): card force
     23 ProFile: Irving Weiner biography
     24 Jinxism - The Impressive Moderne (Ted Annemann): sealed letter       test
     25 Irv's Crimp Control (Irv Weiner): for cards
     26 The Prophet's Beard (Irv Weiner-Ray Hyman): magician's beard       matches the prediction made with cards with beard pictures on them

Vol. 1, No. 7, November 1962  
     27 BeStop (Stewart James): Spectator stops at card, and two       selections are found on either side
     28 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Annemann and young magicians
     28 An Open Letter to Eddie Clever (Bill Madsen): on why another       Jinx is worthwhile
     29 Jinxism - A Divination with Matches (Fred DeMuth): determining       how many matches torn from a pack
     30 Copper & Silver (Edward Marlo): full series of       transpositions, ending clean

Vol. 1, No. 8, December 1962  
     31 Tribute (Gene Maze): Triumph with a Stripper Deck
     32 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on contributions the British Ring's       Budget magazine, and other goings on
     32 White Magic (North Bigbee): divination with a method to make a       message pad
     33 Count Down (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe): magician finds       selection using the 4 tens
     33 Jinxism (Ted Annemann): recipe for Annemann's Jinx Zipper       Cocktail
     34 The Monroe Doctrine (Arthur B. Monroe): Four coins assemble on       the corner of a handkerchief

Vol. 1, No. 9, January 1963
     35 Bobo: introduction to J.B. Bobo
     36 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Don Tanner, Joe White, and honest       reviews
     37 Change in the Spectator's Hand (JB Bobo): Half dollar changes       to Chinese coin in spectator's hand
     38 Come & Coin Go (JB Bobo): Coin produced from handkerchief       penetrates cloth and vanishes
     39 Thru-Pocket Vanish (JB Bobo): for coin
     39 Jinxisms - Wise Guy Catch (S. Wimbrough): comedy, audience       determines card selection
     40 Etheral Silk (JB Bobo): silk production, vanish and production       with empty hands

Vol. 1, No. 10, February 1963
     41 Alphabet Telepathy (North Bigbee): a mentalist routine suitable       for children or adults
     42 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Holden's Magic Shop, well written       instructions, respect for props
     43 Herb Runge's Applause Card (Herb Runge): comedy bit
     43 Toss off (Elwin Shaw): miniature card trick
     44 Lock & Key (Hen Fetsch): a simple version of 7 Keys to       Baldpate

Vol. 1, No. 11, March 1963  
     45 TeleTact (Danny Tong): a simple book test
     46 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Steranko & Danny Tong, magician's       assistants
     46 Vari-Mental (Danny Tong): close up trick with the Ultra-Mental       deck
     47 ProFile: Danny Tong biography
     47 Tugudtoname (Danny Tong): corner torn from bill, bill in clear       glass, bill tube shown, bill vanishes and appears in tube
     47 Prognostica (Danny Tong): mentalism with business cards, though       sometimes you only get 2 out of 3
     48 Commando ! (Danny Tong): selected card is only red card in blue       deck - uses Rough & Smooth
     49 The Mutilated Card (Russell Prunier): torn and restored with       adhesive tape
     50 Double-back Doublecross (Danny Tong): uses a gimmicked card
     50 - Effect #1: selection appears face up in deck
     50 - Effect #2: selection rights itself in deck and transposes       with another card

Vol. 1, No. 12, April 1963
     51 Crazy Huh ? (Irv Weiner): clever picture helps spectator       determine selection
     52 Editorium (Bill Madsen): the first year of the New Jinx, a       thanks to illustrator Al Forgione
     52 Hypnosis - Performers, Amateurs (Al Forgione): essay and       warning against Hypnotism
     52 Jinxism - No'men-cla'ture (Joseph Dunninger): card spelling
     53 Dark Vision (North Bigbee): magician determines ESP designs of       cards in envelopes
     54 X Change (Tony Kardyro): quarter and half dollar transpose and       penetrate the hand

Vol. 2, No. 13, May 1963
     55 Biblical Numbers (Ace Gorham): magic addition trick
     56 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Cat-A-Tonic Cocktail, Senator Crandall       on criticism
     56 Jinxism - Im-pröve'ment (Leslie May): variation of last month's       speller
     57 Paying it Safe (Ace Gorham): magician divines date/serial       number of bill, which vanishes and reappears
     57 ProFile: Ace Gorham biography
     58 A Reverse Thought (Ace Gorham): a way to have a 2nd party       determine the card selection
     58 Three Way Mentalism (Ace Gorham): combo of Brain Wave deck and       Rough & Smooth
     58 Stop! (Ace Gorham): an easy stop card trick

Vol. 2, No. 14, June 1963  
     59 Witch Doctor's Ritual (Felix Greenfield): card is located with       a spinner toy
     60 Editorium (Madsen Bill): Felix Greenfield, Magic Circle, SAM       Magicrama Show
     61 Extra Special Prediction (Felix Greenfield): clever ESP force       board
     61 A 68 Cent Patent (Ted Annemann): a way to protect your magic       secrets
     62 Impossible Prediction (Felix Greenfield): clever headline       prediction
     62 Read my Mind ! (Felix Greenfield): magician always wins a       challenge pick-up game

Vol. 2, No. 15, July 1963  
     62 Marlos's Fortunatas (Edward Marlo): multi-phase routines with       pennies, a dime, and a penny shell
     64 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Lou Tannen's 4th Jubilee in Fallsburg       
     64 Card Gag (Gerald Kosky): comedy card revelation
     65 The Great Chain R-bbery (Larry Weeks): clever update to the       linking paper clips
     66 Jinxism - Hypocritical Memory (Arthur Monroe): use for a mirror       glass and a stacked deck
     66 Arlecchino (Danny Tong): prediction is sealed in an inflated       balloon and then a case, and when burst is found to have come true

Vol. 2, No. 16, August 1963
     67 True Love (Felix Greenfield): mathematical trick for couples
     68 Editorium (Bill Madsen): stealing vs. variation
     69 Bell Book & Candle (Felix Greenfield): a routine outline
     70 Fourth Dimensional Sewing (L. Vosburgh Lyons, Stewart James):       ring becomes sewn on a ribbon

Vol. 2, No. 17, September 1963  
     71 What the ?? (Ronnie Gann): magician knocks the pips of a card       through the table
     72 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Silent Mora's 79th Birthday
     72 ProFile: Ronnie Gann biography
     73 Jinxism - Duplex Date Reading (Charles T. Jordan): magician       reads the dates of face-to-face coins
     73 Coin-A-Matic (Ronnie Gann): Hoo coin vanish and reproduction
     74 Matchic (Ronnie Gann): color changing knife changes to a match
     74 Penetracig (Ronnie Gann): cigarette vanishes to be found in a       handkerchief bundle

Vol. 2, No. 18, October 1963
     75 Beyong Belief (Irv Weiner): blue card matches one of 7 red       cards, and selected with faces toward audience
     76 Editorium (Bill Madsen): The Unmasking of Arlecchino - Bill's       name as editor revealed
     76 Dark Sorcery (Albert Sidney): magician determines the marked       card and a number in an envelope, and the card ends up in the       envelope
     77 Novel Reading (Danny Tong): a book test using vanishing ink
     78 Jumbo Prediction (North Bigbee): with Jumbo ESP cards

Vol. 2, No. 19, November 1963  
     79 Person to Person (Leslie May): a selection made by first       spectator is found by a second
     80 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on reviews that could hurt the       performer, should you or shouldn't you?
     81 ProFile: Leslie May biography
     81 It's in the Book (Leslie May): Using Gardner's Mathematics,       Magic and Mystery as a force book
     81 The Jinx Five-foot Shelf of Magic (Ted Annemann): a list of       recommended books from 1935
     82 Lucky Lips (Leslie May): a lady's lipstick helps locate a       kissed card
     82 This That Those (May Leslie): a "odds in your favor" book test

Vol. 2, No. 20, December 1963  
     83 Seasons Greetings (Bill Madsen, Al Jorgione)
     84 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of Boston I.B.M.'s First       Magicana
     84 Jinx Blazer (Ted Annemann): another drink mix recipe, this one       flaming!
     85 Hart Throbs (Arthur B. Monroe): The 4 Kings rescue the Ace of       Hearts in this story trick
     86 Little Theatre (Arthur B. Monroe): Story trick with the Ace of       Hearts to precede the above

Vol. 2, No. 21, January 1964  
     87 Divining Rods (Milbourne Christopher): how to make and use them       and suggested tricks
     88 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on crediting, 4th Dimensional Sewing,       and Annemann
     89 CATnips (Larry Weeks): some tips and ideas
     89 Tram Card (BB Low): one of five cards chosen is covered with a       handkerchief, vanishes, and is found in pocket
     90 Behind my Back (Tony Kardyro): reading messages written on       business cards

Vol. 2, No. 22, February 1964  
     91 Lo ! A Prophet (Eddie Clever): A headline prediction
     92 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Eddie Clever
     92 ProFile: Eddie Clever biography
     94 7 + Psychic = Doubled (Eddie Clever): magician reveals info       written by 2 spectators and duplicates the drawing of a 3rd

Vol. 2, No. 23, March 1964  
     95 Figure Fantasy (Jack Potter): a number prediction
     96 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on predictions, and the New Holden's       Magic Studio
     96 Time, You & Another (Eddie Clever): a triple prediction       with no cards
     97 Prediction (Sid Lorraine): using Annemann's 68 cent patent for       a long term prediction
     98 Shadows Before (Eddie Clever): 5 Jumbo cards are eliminated to       one, which matches the prediction

Vol. 2, No. 24, April 1964
     99 Prophesycic (North Bigbee): Card from a blue deck matches one       of 3 selections from red deck; uses 3 way force deck and a unique       envelope
     100 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Bigger vs. Better
     100 Ribbon of Eurus (Rudy Reimer): a different cut and restored       ribbon
     101 Kort's 4th (Milton Kort): a version of sympathetic coins where       they gather to one corner of a handkerchief
     102 It's About Time (Ronnie Gann): the time randomly set on a       watch matches that on a punch card

Vol. 3, No. 25, May 1964
     103 Gorha Mania (Ace Gorham):
     103 - A Nest of Boxes Routine
     103 - Thought Waiver: spectator knowingly reveals card selection       of a 2nd spectator's
     103 - Mental Chapeaugraphy: idea
     103 - From Ace Gorham: three selections appear on the jacket
     104 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Boston Assembly #9's Magicals of 1964       
     105 Addendum (Max Katz): an improvement to Figure Fantasy from       issue 23
     105 Hindu Dream (Henry Hardin): magician names four cards picked       from a hat
     106 A Cue for You & a Cue for Me (Tony Kardyro - Torino):       entire audience names selected card

Vol. 3, No. 26, June 1964
     107 Paradiscophy (David Hoy): music record mentalism
     108 Editorium (Bill Madsen): respecting the classics of magic
     108 Pen Kink (Martin Gardner): gag with a vanishing borrowed pen
     109 Apologia (David Hoy): essay on mentalism as entertainment
     109 ???? (David Hoy): introductory stunt for a mentalism piece
     110 ProFile: David Hoy biography
     110 Easy Way Out (David Hoy): non-thumb writer

Vol. 3, No. 27, July 1964
     111 Weiner's Sly Max Slydini (Irv Weiner): a standing version of       Slydini's Balls to Hat
     112 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Lou Tannen's 4th Magician's Jubilee
     113 Jinxism - Bagshaw's Penetration (Arthur Bagshaw): new use for       you Phantom tube in this silk vanish and reappearance in a sealed       tube
     114 Uno Fa Otto (Irv Weiner): complete cigar act

Vol. 3, No. 28, August 1964
     115 Spectra-Ception (Paul J. Siegel): performer sees colors with       his fingertips
     116 The Gost of a Chance (Otis Manning): a billet forcing box and       ideas for use
     117 Editorium (Bill Madsen): On Annemann's death
     117 Two Needles in a Haystack (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe):       magician locates two reversed selections in a mixed up deck
     118 Frame of Mind (Paul J. Siegel): Message cards are divined from       sealed envelopes
     118 Psychocolor (North Bigbee): magician tells color of cards       behind his back

Vol. 3, No. 29, September 1964  
     119 Thoughts in Two Sizes (Leslie May): Two Jumbo cards match       selections in a regular deck
     120 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on women and children in magic clubs       
     120 Jinxism - Vanishing Wand Presentation (JA Sheterom): wand       vanishes from one paper to be found in another
     121 Outer Limit (Mae Forgione): another drink mix
     121 Psychologia (Ken Krenzel): another use for the billet box from       last issue
     122 Lodestone (Arthur Monroe): a lodestone helps Junior determine       a card selection

Vol. 3, No. 30, October 1964  
     123 Not Quite Everything About Norman's Ark (J.G. Thompson- Jr.):       on the Gilbreath Principle and some uses for it
     124 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Walt Rollins suggesting       most magic is performed in the home
     125 More On (Danny Tong): another trick determining the color of       cards in envelopes with the fingertips
     125 Witchwood (Ken De Courcy): clever sympathetic match-sticks
     125 Jinxism - Evaporato (Otto Waldmann): the coin that gets around       - coin vanishes from wine glass 
     126 Newmann's Menetekel Deck (George Newmann): reproduction of       Newmann's letter to Eddie Clever in 1949 with his version of the       MeneTekel Deck

Vol. 3, No. 31, November 1964  
     127 Dime Transit (John Benzais): a dime ends up under the       cellophane of a card case
     127 Ring Transit (John Benzais): two borrowed rings transpose in       the hands
     128 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Bob Nelson supporting       mentalism
     128 Your Life Your Phone (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe):       mathematical trick to derive spectator's phone number
     129 Jinxism - Poker Challenge (Gerald Kaufman): a poker deal game
     129 Attention! Contest! (Max Katz): an Arithmetical Progression       challenge
     130 Super Numerary (Ken Krenzel): number divination using pencil       reading

Vol. 3, No. 32, December 1964
     131 Three Card Money (Arthur Monroe): a betting the odds effect
     132 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of IBM Ring 122 Magicana
     133 Don't Blame the Depression If You Lack Money: a humorous       advertisement from 1931
     133 Jinxism - Elliott Humor (Bruce Elliott): gag with potassium       nitrate
     133 Solution to Arithmetical Progression (Max Katz)
     134 Impromptu Mene-tekel (North Bigbee): using a new deck packed       A-K in all suits

Vol. 3, No. 33, January 1965
     135 J.B. Card in Wallet (John Benzais): card in any wallet
     136 Editorium (Bill Madsen): errata for Impromptu Mene-Tekel; Bob       Nelson's Comedy Mentalism III brief review; Johnny Benzais on       magician's exposing trick decks
     137 ProFile: Johnny Benzais biography
     137 Five Cents for your Thoughts (John Benzais): magician       determines number of times a coin lands heads or tails
     138 4-D Ball Trick (John Benzais): three balls vanish and reappear

Vol. 3, No. 34, February 1965
     139 Booknow (Paul Siegel): magazine test
     140 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Interesting ad from Hong Kong The       Wonderful Damon; on "your favorite method"
     141 Two More from J. Benzais:
     141 - Lapping a Card (John Benzais)
     141 - The Crimped Card Location (John Benzais)
     142 Extra Spectra Mental (Leslie May): a routine for E. Mellon's       Spectra Mental effect

Vol. 3, No. 35, March 1965  
     143 Psychic Spell (Felix Greenfield): using a symbol deck,       spectator spells to selection
     143 Telekinesis (Felix Greenfield): cards jump from one hand to       the other, revealing the selection
     144 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on routines that need commercial       gimmicks; Damon; quick book reviews Hades' Mentalistrix and David       Hoy's Psychic and Other ESP Party Games; and a letter from Bob       Nelson
     145 Die-abolical Concept (Felix Greenfield): a dice stacking       routine
     145 The Time Will Come (Felix Greenfield): time is printed from a       wrist-watch
     145 One Finger One Hand Right Hand Billet Switch (Felix       Greenfield): used in above routine
     146 Certificate of Appreciation (Bill Madsen): to be provided to       any contributors to the New Jinx

Vol. 3, No. 36, April 1965
     147 Vates Sacer (Paul Siegel): owner of each postage stamp is       identified
     148 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on criticism in the IBM
     148 ProFile: Paul Siegel biography
     149 Mystery of Eleusis (Paul Siegel): chosen card is predicted in       an envelope on a stand
     150 Talismans of Pelazon (Paul Siegel): tags placed by magician on       a board match those of the spectator

Vol. 4, No. 37, May 1965
     151 Out of my Control (Harry Lorayne): spectator deals to his       selection apparently without and coercion; with outs
     152 Editorium (Bill Madsen): reivew of The Annual Boston Magirama       
     154 The Real Secret of Peeling Cards (John Benzais): on making       double face or double back cards
     154 Stranger Interlude (North Bigbee): a new deck "stranger card"       routine

Vol. 4, No. 38, June 1965
     155 Ydalir (Max Katz): location control with associated routine
     156 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the death of Max Katz; errata for       Stranger Interlude from previous issue; on Damon; etc.
     157 Sandstorm (John Benzais): another contest puzzle
     157 Assassination (Jesse J. Langston, Jr): Idea for a murder       mystery mentalism trick
     158 Propelled Lapping (Edward Marlo & Carmen D'Amico): from       1952

Vol. 4, No. 39, July 1965
     159 ESPell (Leslie May): spelling to selected ESP card
     160 Editorium (Bill Madsen): a car crash, Lou Tannen's 6th       Magician's Jubilee, etc.
     161 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): first part in a series on a       biography of Theodore Annemann
     161 CATnips (Joseph White): eight tips and uses for double side       tape
     161 Silksation (Damon): a form of Grandmother's Necklace for stage       using tape and silks

Vol. 4, No. 40, August 1965
     163 Christopher on Blind Folds (Milbourne Christopher):
     163 - Design Duplication
     163 - Headline Vision
     163 - Walking the Chalk Line
     163 - Sharpshooting
     163 - Blindfold Construction
     164 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on last month's cover; more on       Tannen's Jubilee
     165 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): 2nd installment of the Annemann       biography
     166 Nuchromancy (Richard Koester): prediction of number of reds       and blacks and how many cards taken with a Laurie Ireland shuffle       
     166 On the Mat (Larry Weeks): clever sucker card revelation

Vol. 4, No. 41, September 1965
     167 ESP Mania - Where the Action Is (Danny Tong):  with an       ESP Commando Deck; rough & smooth red & blue backed deck,       with multiple phases
     168 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Fu Manchu (Dave Bambert)       on a book about the family; controversy of kid magicians and       exposures
     168 Questioneer (Danny Tong): impromptu message reading
     169 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     169 ESPeriments (Danny Tong): two quick experiments that don't       always work
     169 Thumb Nail Sketches (Danny Tong): two quick tricks -       nail-writer business card number prediction
     170 Telecodes (Danny Tong): simple two person code using a paper       clip
     170 ESP Stop (Danny Tong): ESP cards until spectator says stop;       stopped at card matches prediction; uses gimmicked ESP deck

Vol. 4, No. 42, October 1965
     171 Bennu (Joseph White): magician choses one of many colored       discs and spectator chooses another - they match although       spectator thought they wouldn't
     172 Editorium (Bill Madsen): response to Fulves' article on the       Annemann series; recommendation for Ned Rutledge & J.G.       Thompson Jr.s Card Party; new edition of Hay's Amatuer Magician's       Handbook
     172 ProFile: Joseph White biography
     173 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     173 Tape Palmed Billet (Joseph White): another use for       double-sided tape
     174 Tagliostro (Joseph White): a key tag is magically placed on a       needle and obtains the value of a selected card
     174 Cutting Odds Down (Joseph White): improving the odds with an       old card gag

Vol. 4, No. 43, November 1965
     175 Macabre Madness (Eddie Clever): a living or dead test for       large audiences
     176 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Mark Jacobs' idea for an ending to       Max Katz' Ydalir; Phil Goldstein's Sealed Up Sarahara With Sand
     177 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     177 Mysterear (Ronnie Gann): using a listening device to gain       intelligence for mentalism act
     178 Command (North Bigbee): spectator counts down to a card in a       blue deck, and magician follows in a red deck, and the cards match
     178 Slam Bang Card (Joseph White): deck thrown against wall and       selection sticks

Vol. 4, No. 44, December 1965
     179 The Cut Back (Arthur Monroe): the spectator becomes a card       cutting master
     180 Editorium (Bill Madsen): The end of the Phoenix
     180 Wizzard's Wassail (Damon): drink mix
     181 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     181 Living Color (Paul Siegel): a living and dead test using       passed out calling cards
     182 Predicta Pop (Jesse J. Langston, Jr.): a six pack prediction

Vol. 4, No. 45, January 1966  
     183 Dominating Dice (Paul Marcus): three dice help locate a card       selection
     184 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of the Boston IBM Ring 122       Magicana
     185 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     185 A Mental Effect for the Card Men (Tony Kardyro): Mentalist and       spectator write the same thing on calling cards
     186 Buried Pleasure (Harvey Rosenthal): magician reveals a number       written on a card in a pack in an envelope

Vol. 4, No. 46, February 1966  
     187 Stabbed in the Pack (John Benzais): 3 of Clubs thrown at deck       and finds the selection
     187 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Karl Fulves and credits; Sorcar       the World's Greatest Magician
     189 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     189 Invisible Dice (Ace Gorham): a reversed card matches the value       of thrown invisible dice
     190 Back'n Blue (Earl Harvey): version of the color changing card

Vol. 4, No. 47, March 1966
     191 Brain Storm (Paul Siegel): card selection is predicted       beforehand
     192 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the difficulty of Stabbed in the       Pack
     192 Solus Intra Percet (Paul Siegel): two person code to select       one of three items
     193 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     193 Fourthought (Paul Siegel): spectator thinks of selection in a       fan, one card removed, it is the selection
     194 Booknow II (Paul Siegel): book test

Vol. 4, No. 48, April 1966
     195 The Probable Winner (Tony Kardyro): horse race win using an       approach to the center tear
     196 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Duke Stern, bringing laymen to closed       meetings
     196 The Mating Game (Phil Goldstein): Queen and King end up face       up in the deck
     196 Crystal Dazer (Jesse Langston): clever addition to Mcathy's       Insurance Policy Trick
     197 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     197 Glide-iator (Fernandes Steve): helper card becomes the       selection and helps find another
     198 Immiscibilite (Danny Tong): oil and water in three phases

Vol. 5, No. 49, May 1966
     199 Juggler & the Black Magician (Tony Shiels): spectator's       selection found between the two Tarot cards, which are put in one       of several envelopes and magically selected by spectator
     200 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Fritz Kobayashi's birthday cake; Tony       Shiels; Dave Hoy
     200 ProFile: Tony Shiels biography
     201 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     201 The Sorcerer's Signature (Tony Shiels): names of necromancers       are burnt, except for the selection
     201 The Illustrated Man (Tony Shiels): selection is tatoo'd on the       arm
     202 Zaggathir (Tony Shiels): a small skull locates the card       selection by chattering its jaw

Vol. 5, No. 50, June 1966
     203 Nightmares (Tony Shiels): spectator picks same nightmare as       magician
     204 Editorium (Bill Madsen): response to Stabbed in the Pack by J.       Benzais and Harry Lorayne
     205 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     206 The Monkey's Paw (Tony Shiels): a real monkey's paw appears on       top of a selection
     206 Xyddatha (Tony Shiels): spectator's Tarot card selection is       predicted

Vol. 5, No. 51, July 1966
     207 L'espionne (Stuart Cramer): selection is found by an       electronic box, and ends up folded inside
     208 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of SAM Magicrama
     209 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     209 Op & Down (Phil Goldstein): clever card revelation with a       crystal cylinder
     210 Chosen Mate (Chandler L. Mason): Wife and husband select the       same girl

Vol. 5, No. 52, August 1966
     211 Beatrick ! (Leslie May): four spectators select four envelopes       whose contents match their rock singer selection
     212 Editorium (Bill Madsen): magic sets for new subscriptions;       G.A. Briggs Ltd. Puzzle Book; Howard Schwarzman visit
     213 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     214 Tricky Turtles (Joseph White): three turtles produced as final       cups & balls loads reveal 3 selections
     214 Follow-up to Transit Dime (John Benzais): dime is pulled out       from under the cellophane

Vol. 5, No. 53, September 1966  
     215 Magic for Intellectuals (Roy Fromer):
     215 - Fire & Ice (Roy Fromer): hand catches fire and comes out       of water bowl with a piece of ice
     215 - Shattering Glass (Roy Fromer with Claude Soucie): a glass       shatters in a bag
     216 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Bill's trip to the Abbott's       Get-Together
     217 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted       Annemann
     217 Poor Man's Stabbed in the Pack (Tony Shiels): Tony's approach       to make the stabbing easier
     218 Brobdingnagian (Paul Marcus): named card from audience is       missing from pack and found in a hanging envelope

Vol. 5, No. 54, October 1966
     219 Annemann's 55 Cent Card Memory (Ted Annemann): magician can       read off order of 1/2 pack
     220 Editorium: burnt fingers; correction to James Rainho catalog;       arriving at Abbott's Get-Together
     221 Annemann Does a Blindfold Walk (Eddie Clever): a photo collage
     222 Annemann's Diabolo Pellet Brading (Ted Annemann): pellet       reading

Vol. 5, No. 55, November 1966  
     224 Will the Real Stabbed in the Pack Please Stand Up ! (Harry       Lorayne): Harry's original version
     224 Editorium (Bill Madsen): after Abbott's Get-Together;       Ireland's Magic Shop
     226 Mentally Matched (Tony Kardyro): spectator takes card and deck       put back in case; magician writes card on a slate, and they match
     226 Stripsation (North Bigbee): magician finds 3 selections using       a stripper deck

Vol. 5, No. 56, December 1966
     227 The Professor (Arthur): Comedy card routine
     228 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Germain the Wizard by Stuart Cramer;       5 Micro-Mental Programs by Joseph White
     228 Eve's Delight: a drink mix
     229 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Using double sided tape for ESP       card prediction, card change, mentalist utility bag
     229 Psychic Relation (Damon - Bill Madson & Leslie May):       Assistant determines color of card in an envelope
     230 Letter About Damon (Leslie May)

Vol. 5, No. 57, January 1967
     231 My Word (Eddie Clever): book test
     232 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Stylesmith effect almost not       published; IBM Ring 122 Show Review; Gary Moore TV Magic       Extravaganza Review
     233 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Methods for positive creative work;       idea for Bank Night and ESP prediction; some promotion ideas
     233 An Effect from Tom Evans (Tom Evans): A coin is passed through       the back of the neck into the mouth
     234 Signed Sealed and... (Stylesmith): prediction made in advance       matches bill serial number
     234 The Lady is a Joker (Steve Fernandes): a packet trick version       of Find the Lady or 3 Card Monte

Vol. 5, No. 58, February 1967
     235 Secret of Gordius 1 (John Benzais): Multi-phase rope routine
     236 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Endire issue is dedicated to this one       routine

Vol. 5, No. 59, March 1967
     239 Quest of Canoré (Paul Siegel): Two person blackboard code for       determining object selected
     240 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Tony Shiels recommended Bob read JRR       Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Bob's review
     241 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Creative Ideation Game - way to       generate ideas
     241 The Hemp Eater (Roy Fromer): two "hemp" cords are chewed on       and become one, with a scorpion hanging in the middle!
     242 It's Been a Card Day's Night (Phil Goldstein): prediction       matches selection, using a blank backed deck and a double facer
     242 Bare Faced (Ronnie Gann): all cards are blank except the       selection - using a blank faced deck

Vol. 5, No. 60, April 1967
     243 The Coin of Kibil-Nala (Joseph White): a marked coin vanishes       from one hand to be found in the other, both hands covered with       handkerchiefs
     244 Editorium (Bill Madsen): 13 !!! By Tony Shiels review
     244 A Tip on Hip (Felix Greenfield): idea for getting instructions       to a hypnosis stooge
     245 Baldpate Revisited (Tony Shiels): Magician finds only key to       open a lock in a bag of a dozen keys
     245 XNIJ (Tony Shiels): Spectator cuts at only card that has       printed on it "You Will Cut Here"
     246 Tele Coincidence (Danny Tong): Magician and spectator select       words from two different books and they match
     246 Triangle Book Test (Danny Tong): using a stooge

Vol. 6, No. 61, May 1967
     247 Mutare (Phil Goldstein): Magician's and Spectator's card       selections transpose
     247 Take 5 (Phil Goldstein): a paper circle is burnt and appears       in the deck next to the selection
     248 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Reply to Ace Gorham's article on       performing in magic clubs
     248 ProFile: Phil Goldstein
     249 The Little Palmed Card that Wasn't (Phil Goldstein): red deck       turns blue
     249 Cutting Odds Down Cigarette Style (Phil Goldstein): Addition       to Joe White's Cutting Odds Down
     249 Piper (Phil Goldstein): follow up to Out of this World card       trick
     250 At the Stake (Phil Goldstein): Living and Dead test where       living paper doesn't burn
     250 Concentration Conception (Phil Goldstein): comedy card       revelation

Vol. 6, No. 62, June 1967
     251 Jinx-in at ft. Cornwall: fake headline
     252 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Responses to Ace Gorham's article;       Letter from Clayton Rawson; errata for Phil Goldstein's Take 5       from last issue
     253 CATnips (Joseph M. White): more on the Creative Ideation Game
     253 Tic Tac Toc Magic (Earl Keyser): Conclusion of a game of       tic-tac-toe ends in a Magic Square
     254 You Find One ! (David Bornstein): selected card has blue back       from red deck, then changes to normal, and blue backed selection       is in pocket
     254 Ad-denda (Paul Siegel): a Want-Ad test

Vol. 6, No. 63, July 1967  
     255 NY - Not Yet (Roy Fromer): a clever revelation using two 35mm       slides
     255 NYC - The Fun City (Roy Fromer): using the flap slate       principle with 35mm slides
     255 NYCT - Nicked  (Roy Fromer): Magician identifies one of       five 35mm slides while blindfolded
     256 Editorium (Bill Madsen): announcement of The New Jinx ending       with the April 1968 issue
     256 ProFile: Roy Fromer
     257 She (Roy Fromer): story of mystery around burning sugar
     257 Stilts (Roy Fromer): story of stilt-walkers around identifying       matches
     258 The Tale of Count Magnus (Roy Fromer): a ghost story to use       with a gimmick-box where the hand comes out and closes the door

Vol. 6, No. 64, August 1967
     259 The Fever (Earl Keyser): a number is burnt into a cigarette       paper that matches that of a thrown die
     259 Adytum (Tony Kardyro): Joker finds two predicted cards
     260 Editorium (Bill Madsen): more on the ending of the New Jinx;       the Boston SAM convention
     261 CATnips (Joseph M. White): on creativity and a challenge
     261 The Authentic Method of Spirit Rapping Baby! (Roy Fromer):       using isometrics
     262 4 From Steve Fernandes:
     262 Captured (Steve Fernandes): two reversed cards find selection
     262 Reciprocity (Steve Fernandes): a reversed card and a reversed       selection transpose between the Aces
     262 Penard (Steve Fernandes): gimmicking a clear-barreled pen for       a paddle-move card revelation
     262 Easy Card Rise (Steve Fernandes): a mechanical way to get the       selection to pop out of the deck

Vol. 6, No. 65, September 1967  
     263 Three Experiments in the Old Art of Hell Raising:
     263 Night of the Demon (Tony Shiels): producing a strange fire, a       noise, and a demon's face in the dark
     263 Red Devil (Tony Shiels): an image appears and vanishes on a       card
     264 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Exposure of Ted Serios in Popular       Mechanics; J.G. Thompson & Ned Rutledge Between Two Minds       review; SAM Convention review
     265 CATnips (Joseph M. White): prediction card and JS transpose       between deck and a box
     266 Hobgoblin (Tony Shiels): a goblin appears in the dark

Vol. 6, No. 66, October 1967 - The Mirror Issue (printed         backward)
     267 Tres Ingenu (Joseph White): a magazine test
     268 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the Mirror Issue, and a review of       Johnny Carson's magic
     269 Memo (WR Harding): on copper or gold plating a coin
     270 Irv's Bill Tear (Irv Weiner): a bill switch shown in diagrams

Vol. 6, No. 67, November 1967
     271 Psychic Princess 1 (Danny Tong): stopped at ESP card matches       one taken by magician, two methods
     272 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Reaction to Mirror Issue; motives for       getting into magic
     272 Telekinetic Perception (Danny Tong): Telekinesis with a       stacked ESP deck
     273 CATnips (Joeseph M. White): solution to cheese challenge by       John Howie
     273 Spectator ESP (Danny Tong): ESP cards chosen from face up and       face down ESP decks match; uses gimmicked decks
     274 Magic vs ESP (Danny Tong): Chosen ESP symbol discovered by       spelling
     274 Odd Men Out (Danny Tong): John Scarne's Triple Coincidence       using a specially constructed ESP deck

Vol. 6, No. 68, December 1967  
     275 The Creatitudes (Joseph White): A version of the Beatitudes       applied to creativity
     276 Editorium (Bill Madsen): On putting together an issue; on       Danny Tong; Letter from Arthur Monroe; Joseph White
     276 The Santa Sleeper (Al Forgione): a drink mix
     277 Effects Using the Commando (Danny Tong): using the Command       Deck from March 1963 issue
     277 Commando (Danny Tong): the Commando Deck reprinted
     277 Effect #1: Using a Commando Deck and a 2nd Deck, selected card       from red deck ends up with blue back to match missing card from       blue deck
     277 Effect #2: another version
     277 Two Pins & the Kerchief (Danny Tong): the old safety pin       pulled along a Handkerchief trick enhanced with a gimmiced pin       from the linking safety pin set
     278 Spelldown (Arthur Monroe): a two phase card spelling

Vol. 6, No. 69, January 1968
     279 Charon's Fare (Earl Harvey): an approach to the vanished coin       in box trick
     280 Editorium (Bill Madsen): More on amateur vs. pro; a hypnosis       meeting; club membership
     281 CATnips (Joseph White): keeping notebooks
     282 Magic Spell (Paul Marcus): a spelling card trick
     282 Ace Thru Five, Five Thru Ace (Steve Fernandes): Ace through       Five put down, but reverse order

Vol. 6, No. 70, February 1968
     283 Dabbling with Daub (Irv Weiner): sources, accessing daub,       applying it, the spectator does the work, and tips
     284 Editorium (Bill Madsen): renewing old effects
     285 CATnips (Joseph P. White): Phil Goldstein's solution to the       Cheese problem

Vol. 6, No. 71, March 1968
     287 Eight to Remember (Joseph White): simple two person code card       mentalism routine
     288 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the editorial use of "we" and not       naming names; Controversy around Harris Solomon's satire piece in       another magazine
     289 CATnips (Joseph White): some off-beat methods for the Bill in       Lemon
     290 Book Test a la Carte (Joseph White): three cards select a page       for a book test
     290 Which Hand ? (Joseph White): billet reading

Vol. 6, No. 72, April 1968  - Final Issue!
     291 The DT Blinfold (Danny Tong): Danny reveals his blindfold       technique
     293 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Many thanks, especially to Al       Forgione for his artwork
     294 Drinking Song (Tony Shiels): a song
     295 CATnips (Joseph White): tongue-in-cheek everyday uses for the       Walsh Appearing Cane & a fake finger
     295 Poof ! (David Hoy): small circled dots on a paper vanish in a       poof
     296 Perception in Prose (Leslie May): a reaond on ESP helps       determine which ESP card was chosen

Nb pages :


Allumettes/boite d'allumette
Arnaque / Paris
Boule/ Balle / Bille /Perle
Cartes spéciales
Cigarettes / Cigares
Couteau / Canif
Déchiré / Reconstitué
Dés à coudre
Fil / ruban / Fil hindou
Fond Max
Gobelet / Cups and balls
Histoire de la magie
Magie Mathématique
Magie du corps
Magie pour enfants
Montre / Réveil / Horloge
Nail Writer
Rouge à lèvres
Stylo / Crayon
Transmission de pensées
Équilibre impossible
bottom of page